Dehelean & Dehelean was founded in 2014 and represents the materialization of its two founding associates’ experience. Dehelean & Dehelean is conceived as a partnership based on a community of values between its attorneys, as well as between them and their clients.

Its objective is to contribute substantially to its clients’ efforts in developing and consolidating their businesses, as well as protecting their rights and legitimate interests. Dehelean & Dehelean seeks to promote an honest and professional business environment in Romania.

Due to the fact that our firm has clients operating on the most diversified markets and in various fields of activity, our team has the necessary experience and multidisciplinary approach to understand the specific problems that each of our clients is confronting with.

Our law firm assists foreign investors in the process of establishing and developing a business in Romania, by offering legal counseling and assistance throughout these procedures. Dehelean & Dehelean is a full service law firm, completely devoted to its clients, based on solid principles and a creative problem-solving manner.

The Dehelean & Dehelean attorneys’ team offers a complete package of integrated, innovative and practical solutions to our domestic and multinational clients in the following fields: Civil law, Labour law, Financial and Banking law, Commercial and Corporate law, Insolvency, Public Acquisitions, Privatizations, Capital market, Insurance law, Competition law, Intellectual property, Natural resources and energy, European Funds, Arbitration, mediation and conciliation, Litigations, ECHR and CJEU, Malpractice, International private law, Fiscal and Administrative contentious law, Transport law, Consumer protection law, Distribution law. The quality of our services is what recommends us.

Our Services

The Romanian independent Law Firm Dehelean & Dehelean has the manpower, experience and competence to help you out with any legal issues in the areas of commercial, civil and financial law.


Civil Law

  • Legal counseling concerning various aspects regarding the application of civil law
  • Execution of decisions pronounced by courts of law
  • Succession Law: legal advice and assistance in specific cases
  • Legal assistance in matters regarding the conclusion/execution/modification/ termination of contracts: sale-purchase agreements, exchange agreements, supply agreements, lease agreements, contractor agreements, joint venture agreements, mandate agreements, loan agreements, caretaking agreements, life-income agreements, leasing etc.

Public acquisitions

  • Legal counseling regarding the observation of European and Romanian legislation in this field
  • Assistance upon the drafting of the award documentation by the competent authority
  • Drafting of notices of intent, contract notices and award notices
  • Assistance upon the drafting of tenders by economic operators
  • Assistance and representation during the administrative-jurisdictional procedure carried out before the National Council for Solving Complaints (NCSC)
  • Verification of the tenderer’s eligibility

Financial and Banking Law

  • Legal assistance regarding authorization procedures and conditions in the case of credit institutions, as well as non-bank financial institutions (NBFI)
  • Legal counseling regarding bank activity
  • Adaptation of banking agreements to legislative changes in the field
  • Specialised counseling regarding the specific current activity of leasing companies
  • Structuring, implementation and registration of securities established in favour of banks
  • Legal counseling and representation in legal issues generated by the bank-client relationship

Intellectual Property

  • Negotiation/drafting of publishing contracts, musical execution or theatrical representations contracts, reproductions of works of art.
  • Assistance regarding the assignment of copyrights over literary, artistic, scientific or intellectual creation works.
  • Assistance in the case of computer programs – permanent or temporary reproduction of a programme, entirely or partially; operations concerning the translation, adaptation as well as any alterations made to a computer programme; operations concerning the distribution and leasing of the original or the copies of a computer programme.
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  • iconOradea: Str. Vasile Alecsandri, nr. 1, ap. 8, Jud. Bihor, România
  • iconThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • icon +40 743 181 737 / +40 742 091 636
  • iconMonday - Friday: 9AM - 18PM
    Saturday - Sunday: Closed